Attention Single Guy: Easy trick seizes that rare moment to talk to a beautiful stranger…

“Create Intense and Immediate Chemistry with This Simple Conversation Starter”

(Now You Can Walk Up And Confidently Talk To Her. . . Instead Of Walking Right On By And Kicking Yourself Later)

No other guy can make as powerful as first impression unless he knows this amazingly simple shortcut to get to know her intimately..

As Seen On:

Gets her thinking, “I hope he asks me out!”

Hey Sweetie,

Let's find your “Perfect 10.”

With this amazingly simple shortcut you can get a loyal, affectionate girlfriend.

Finding a great girlfriend is simply a numbers game.

When you see a beautiful stranger, you have to have the confidence to approach her then and there… or face dreaming about what could have been the rest of your life.

Now, with this simple conversation starter you will confidently seize that rare moment to talk to a beautiful stranger . . .

. . . Naturally create chemistry between you and any girl you approach . .15

And best of all there’s nothing to practice. . .

Nothing to memorize. . .

You won’t need any game to go right up to a girl who would normally put a lump
in your throat.

Armed with this “secret question,” you can charm her. . . while you’re sizing her up.

So Powerful. . . You May Only Need To Use This Shortcut ONCE

Relationship Magic Testimonial Image Single Men
Don was working on his “inner game” — but he got tongue tied if he saw a cute girl UNTIL he put this remarkable secret to work. Now, “I’m actually doing the choosing,” says Don.

Earl T., a 47-year old divorcee from Houston, TX used this system. The whole world's changed since I was single. This is the crutch needed to start talking to women again."

Harley's girlfriend constantly broke up and got back together with him. She was always mad at him. He put the secret revealed on this website to work. “I finally understand what she wants from me.”

Now You Can Walk Right Up And Confidently Talk To Her. . . Instead Of Walking Right On By And Kicking Yourself Later

Even if you’re an introvert, a simple man, don’t speak the language…

Shoot! Even if you just broke out in a sweat

This one "magic question" is her favorite topic. . . Which makes you come across as smooth and fascinating.

For a limited time, I’m offering you the chance to download this powerful technique for less than ten bucks so you can get to know me.

I Can’t Be Held Responsible For Guys Who Use This Just To Get Laid Tonight

So if you want a no-strings-attached hookup...
I need you to leave this webpage right now.

Well, can you guess the percentage of singles that use online dating sites who have one-night stands?


That means if you hook up with someone, there's a one in three chance they will sleep with you.

When you can TALK EFFORTLESSLY to a woman, the possibility for attraction, dating, even lovemaking increases tenfold. (We women love to talk.)

If "what to say" is hard for you, now it will be easy.

You can stay completely relaxed, with a lot less anxiety — even with a drop-dead gorgeous gal!

Starting NOW, you can create that "I feel like I've known you for years" that makes with any woman you want to meet feel safe with you.

This shortcut lets you have the kind of intelligent banter that impresses most any woman.
But it’s dangerous in the wrong hands.
Any girl you use this on will hang on every word you say.
It’s a question about HER.

About her feelings. . .
. . . A subject she finds irresistible.
And you get the halo effect of being the kind of man that wants to listen to her talk about her feelings.
Not only is this magic question like chick crack, it will quickly let you know if she’s “girlfriend material” for you.

That is why I can’t be held responsible for guys who want to use it to just get laid tonight.
The simple secret on this page is strictly for the man who wants to find the kind of lady who listens, likes what you like, and makes you feel good about yourself at ANY age.

“I wish I’d known this before my wife walked out on me for good.” Jim G., Chippewa Falls, WI is now dating again using this conversation starter to find a compatible woman.

Finding A Suitable Girlfriend Starts With Knowing What A “Perfect 10” Is To You

When you ask any girl this “magic question,” all you have to do is listen.
She will reveal exactly how she wants you to treat her.
This magic question eliminates confusing conversations.
Just shut off the running commentary in your head . . .
And enter her world . . .
Like you’re plugging directly into her as you watch her pretty face.
Simply listening is one of the most sincere things a man can do to stimulate connection.
The more you can listen, and listen well, the more she will feel your interest.
She will feel acknowledged and really cared about. Listening accelerates rapport.
When you are perfectly attuned to each other, a deepening of intimacy, security and desire become rooted into her.
And it all starts with this one magic question.

I Ain’t No James Bond...

“I ain't no James Bond. I've never been handsome in a traditional way. I'm that 5'2" guy who looks like your plumber. But that doesn't mean I didn't want to find a woman who thinks I am sexy.

For the last six months, I've been seeing that girl I've always dreamed about. Because I know what she wants, and give it to her, she falls deeper in love with me every day.”

- Avery K., Round Rock, TX

Quickly Develop Deep Love, Hot Sex and Dedication To You... No Guessing Games. No Confusion.

What I’m talking about here is an easy path to getting your needs met… and hers.PLM_girl-checkboxes

Any loyal, affectionate girlfriend will desire different things than you do. So how do you know what would satisfy her so you can make her incredibly happy?

How can you easily give her what she wants so she'll love you more and more over time?

Imagine if all you have to do is follow a simple checklist of specific things that make her happy , you could save so much energy.

When you’re CRYSTAL CLEAR about her priorities it’s as close to a relationship insurance policy as you can get.

Ready to know what this amazingly simple secret IS?

The amazingly simple shortcut is actually a “magic question” of sorts.

  • 1

    Ask a potential girlfriend this to reveal what she wants most out of a relationship.

  • 2

    It boils down her “deal-breakers” – what she needs to be satisfied.

Know immediately if she’s not a match for you. Save time, money, and heartache. Dating ain’t cheap. Not too mention the emotional turmoil is a drag.

Literally NO Work At All

“Understand These Weird Creatures”

“Dating for me was a constant frustration. I couldn't understand these weird creatures sitting across from me. I turned 30 a couple of years ago, and I just wanted to start a life with a woman who I understood, and who understood me. I knew I was asking for a lot: I wanted a cute, smart girl, who thought what I had to say was important. But I couldn't find that. Not in the bars. Not on dating websites. This best friend and lover didn't exist—I was convinced of it. Get this: I found a girl who was hot and NOT insane! Imagine that. And all I had to do was use your “magic question” to lock in that loving, loyal girlfriend I thought I’d never find.”

- Brett D., Rohnert Park, CA

Avoid Pointless Arguments, An Empty Bed, And Having To Work At Making A Girlfriend Happy

Think back to the best girlfriends you’ve ever had.

Why were they the best?

Maybe she shared a love of your favorite sport? You liked the same campy movies?

Or her cooking nourished your body and soul. . .

Maybe she even let you have your turn in the kitchen, and didn’t hover over you at the stove.

What you loved about her was somehow matching and meeting one of your Relationship Values. 

Only it was purely by accident and you haven’t had an easy way to replicate that again.

How can you find a match and avoid the drama queens, princesses and the hot-but-crazy ones?

How can you find a match and avoid the drama queens, princesses and the hot-but-crazy ones?

How can you find ONE ladylove who hits on all cylinders?

Is your perfect 10 right in front of your face? 

The Cheat Sheet To Your Satisfaction

If you’re not a burn and churn playboy and actually WANT to show her you understand her and spagcare about her feelings…
Asking this one simple question is how you find or turn the woman you date now into the picture-perfect ideal girlfriend who meets all your needs completely.
Once you know exactly how she wants to be loved… you can stop feeling around in the dark.
When you can clearly explain what YOU need to be happy, then, and only then can she can completely fill the bill.
Because she will have the cheat sheet to your satisfaction.And you will have hers.
You see, COMPATIBILITY is not the key to a fulfilling relationship.
Meeting each others’ unique needs is what generates mutual satisfaction.

“Relationship Magic Happens For You NOW”

You are about to get this one magic question in an instantly downloadable book called, Relationship Magic.

PLM-DayGlo-MAG003-RM-aqua_b.pngApproach more women using this super simple conversation starter.

Get her to do most of the talking. . . And be impressed with you for asking.

This question will reveal exactly what you want from a relationship too.

Your needs are different than your mom and dad’s . . . Different than your buddies’ . . . And as unique as your fingerprint.

And once you know what you want from a girlfriend, you can decide if she can give it to you.

What’s more, when you know how to easily figure out what makes you feel truly loved by a woman, you can take even a girl you just met through this little thought experiment with ease…

And she will LOVE IT!

Women hunger to discuss their relationships. It’s mostly what they talk about to their girlfriends.8

And I’ll show you exactly how to lead her through this conversation in a fun, flirty way that gets her thinking, “I hope he asks me out.”

Women are dying to ask you what you want out of a girlfriend, but they won’t. They’ve been conditioned to believe it’s too forward to mention.

This magic question starts THE CONVERSATION every woman dreams of having with a guy.

That adorable hottie wants you to come ask her this.

She wants to know if you are ‘boyfriend material’ without scaring you away.

With this one magic question, you are offering a total win-win.

So when you walk right up and have the confidence to draw her out, you will dazzle her.

Are you ready to know the one ‘magic question” inside this downloadable ebook?

“You Are About To Experience The Push Button Answer To One Of Life’s Most Difficult Questions.”

Yes, you can know this “magic question” right now.

It takes just minutes to click the orange button, enter your credit card and download it to your smartphone, eReader or computer.

Just open the ebook and Relationship Magic gives you the amazingly simple secret to quickly and easily have a happy girlfriend.

  1. Download the book.
  1. Get the question.
  1. Start using it.

Imagine how much easier it will be to make you happy when she has the checklist to your heart.

Don’t Be The Standard, Be The Exception

Most dating advice will tell you girls love the chance to talk about themselves, but you shouldn't ask anything too personal…Maybe talk about her pets or hobbies.

That's why this strategy is so ninja. Not only are her answers telling, she sees you care about a subject of major importance to her.

Still, you have every right to be skeptical.

Here I am selling you on a little book that costs less than a tasty lunch and promises to make it easier to meet girls and find one you can make happy.

Who am I to be so sure?

My name is Susan Bratton.

14I’ve been called “The Marriage Magician” on TV because I'm known as a relationship expert whose mission is to help men have PASSIONATE relationships.

I developed the Relationship Magic workbook over years of studying what it took for couples to be kind, affectionate and more in love as the years went by.

Turns out, this “magic question” is a shortcut to connecting with single women in the way they most want.

For the first time ever, I’m introducing Relationship Magic as a stand-alone, instantly downloadable book.

As the most effective and fast-working product I’ve ever created, this workbook guides you away from lackluster relationships, harsh break ups, and going through life without a person you love… who loves you back.

And during my special Introductory Offer period, you can have it in your hot little hands this second for only $9.95 instead of the $27 I will be charging in the near future.

“I will only sell 500 copies at this price.”

Here is the Real Proof: Women Say…

He Wasn't What I Thought I Was Looking For

"Relationship Magic made me realize something about myself that I never knew before. I always looked for men who gave me the freedom to do what I wanted.

proofFree reign wasn’t what I actually needed. But because I believed that about myself, a dozen promising relationships disintegrated.

Now I have a sweetheart who understands all my romantic needs and desires and loves to give them to me. I ended up marrying the most amazing guy. He wasn’t what I expected, but he is what I really always wanted."

- Ariana B. , Woods Hole, RI

He Gets Me. He Gives Me Everything I Want.

Until I met James, every guy I dated just didn’t get what I wanted. They were nice and all, and I cared about them, but it was like they were always making the wrong moves. James figured it out: he knew what I valued in a relationship, instead of treating me the way he wanted me to be treated."

- Brenda J., Nashville, TN

Note: This Relationship Magic method was refined over thousands of couples’ use cases and is based on a scientific communication process called, NLP or neuro-linguistic programming, so it works.

If you have a brain and she has a brain —it works no matter your age or cultural background —because it’s based in science.

More Proof: From A Married Guy Whose Wife Cheated On Him

I Wish She Would Just Have Told Me Instead Of
Screwing The First Guy That Winked At Her

“Susan, my lady cheated on me and I came to you and you told me that this could be an opportunity to turn things around. You told me to put my anger to the side and grab my Relationship Values workbook and go over it with her and re-define our relationship.

And that was a year ago. We are still together and going strong a year later. Your advice worked. Your program works. Although it's not cool for anyone to cheat, sometimes people talk the loudest with their actions (because they haven't been taught to use their words).

She let me know by her cheating that she was not happy and what we both needed to do to get what we both needed from each other to be happy. Sure I wish she would have just told me instead of screwing the first guy the winked at her, but she realized that that was not what she wanted.

What she wanted was for us to be happy and your program started working when we got serious about making our 24yr relationship work.

Thanks Susan! Keep doing what you're doing!"

- Ken

“Why Is Information This Powerful Less Than Ten Bucks?”

It almost seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? I mean if this were really as incredible as I am making it out to be why wouldn’t I charge WAY MORE?

Well, I’m offering the complete Relationship Magic workbook to you for only $9.95 because:

  • 1

    For the first time ever, I am putting out the one golden piece of information that empowers you to get the perfect girlfriend, because if you love this, you’ll likely want to know more of my secrets.

  • 2

    You have a human right to love and be loved. You deserve a loyal affectionate girlfriend and I get a thrill every time I make a man’s dreams come true. Imagine how rewarding this is.

  • 3

    The practically give-it-away cost won’t last forever. This is an Introductory Special Offer. Grab it for less than ten dollars now because the price will nearly triple.

My Promise To You (I Guarantee…)

No Risk. Massive Reward.

Guarantee #1: 60 Day Guarantee! If for any reason you think Relationship Magic isn’t the best $9.95 you’ve ever spent, my Customer Care team will process your refund immediately.

Guarantee #2:If you actually take 10 minutes with Relationship Magic, and you don’t see how this can clarify what it is you want and if a girl can co-create it with you, we shall part friends as I refund your money with a smile.

Fair enough?

I Won’t Stick with this $9.95 Price Tag Long…

I can't stress enough how time-sensitive this offer is. The price will go up to $27 when 500 units are taken. So grab your copy right now at this introductory price.

Relationship Magic is the ONLY proven formula that promises to transform a current friend, your girlfriend or a beautiful stranger into your Perfect 10.

Now, here’s all you need to do.

First, grab your wallet.

Get out your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover card.

If you want to use PayPal, get your login details ready.

IMPORTANT: You’ll only be charged a one-time fee of $9.95. That is it. No hidden auto-pays, memberships, monthly fees, or any of that other nonsense!

Next, click on the yellow "Buy Now" button below to get instant access to Relationship Magic, Risk-Free for less than the cost of drinks with one girl.

YES! Give Me Instant Access to Relationship Magic

This originated from the #1 thing that my husband and I did that brought us back together as a couple when we were about to divorce.

He said, “I wish I had a #!@& cheat sheet to figure you out!”

So I made him one.

And now I’m giving it to you.

Creator of Relationship Magic

23 Years of Hitting The Jackpot

P.S. Get ready. Your buddies will constantly ask you, “How did you get her to go out with you, man?”

I'm not kidding.

Sweetie, I might not have stressed enough just how important it is that you should get this book right now.

My partners are telling all their followers about this Introductory Offer and 500 units are going to sell like hotcakes.

You'll be doing yourself the greatest of favors by knowing this way to quickly qualify even a girl you just met.

Save hours, even years of go-no-where dating, wasted energy and hard earned cash…

While other guys are using cheesy lines and pick up tricks, you will be the one sweeping women off their feet left and right . . .

You’ll be the one giving her the most meaningful conversation she’s ever had . . . As she does all the talking!

But you have to MOVE FAST.

500 copies will be GONE and then I will charge full price for Relationship Magic.

The longer you sit there thinking about it... the bigger your chances of NOT getting your hands on a copy in time… and your bed will stay cold, empty and lonely.

Quickly qualify a girl you just met — or even understand the girl you are dating — and know if she’s a good match for you… or not.

Questions? Call us! 888-963-9025 Email [email protected]

If anything here appeals to you… well, you already have the solution.

Skip Years of Frustration Searching For A Great Girlfriend

Find a great girl as fast as tonight. This amazingly simple shortcut finds or turns a great girl into the picture-perfect lady who loves to meet your needs.

You can take a 7 and MAKE her a 10 because she will know how to love you the way you want to be loved.

Now you can go up and confidently talk to any pretty girl.

With what is on this page, even a friend could turn into a lover.

So if you’re shy or out of practice this question makes a powerful first impression.

You’re already most of the way there!   The next time you’re out, use it.

Listen up...

The exact perfect girlfriend is out there for you…

IF you can tell her exactly what she needs to do to be a total “value add” (instead of annoying you). 4

- She will behave how you want her to (most of the time). 😉

- She will have what seems like mind-reading superpowers to your deepest desires.

- She will have a mental checklist of the way you like things done.

And in case you think this is selfish, read on. It’s actually the most kind, humane, and authentic way you can treat a woman. You don’t like all the B.S. and neither does she.

5A GREAT girlfriend will naturally want to bend over backward to prioritize you… As you would do for her.


As you would do for her.

When she believes you are the best man in the universe for her and she could do no better. . . no matter how many rich, handsome playboys throw themselves at her… She will want you.

When she leaps into your arms, squeezes her legs tight around your waist, and peppers you with kisses….

When she feeds you tasty food, fools around when you’re feeling frisky and stays by your side when you want her there… it’s this shortcut to your love connection that makes sparks fly.

This Shortcut Reduces Your Chances Of A Nasty, Painful Break Up

Couples that are happiest together understand each other’s core relationship values.

Chances are, you have only a vague notion of what would make you content together.

The odds are against you.

All this has to do is help him understand her.

Put the shoe on her foot – how is she going to be the good little girl that suits you perfectly if you can’t tell her what you want?

HINT: If you’re not 110% sure how you want a woman to treat you so that you feel loved in the ways that matter to you most, keep reading.